1 Preface
2 R in applied demography
2.1 Why R?
I’ve used R for twenty years. I was also trained in SPSS and SAS along the way, by various mentors. Some tried to get me to learn more general purpose languages like Delphi (of all things) or Perl, or Basic, and I’ve been chastised for not knowing the depths of Python, but R presents a nimble and rigorous platform to do demography. My top three reasons for teaching and using R are:
It’s free - This is important, because, why should we pass along more costs to people, especially our students? This also make R code accessible to people, worldwide.
It’s the hotbed of methodological development. The R ecosystem has thousands of packages that represent the bleeding edge of data analysis, visualization and data science. This makes R attractive because it can pivot quickly to adopt new methods, which often lag in their development in other environments.
It has a supportive community of users. While there are some debates over how friendly some R users are to new users, overall, after spending 20 years in the R community, I’ve personally assisted hundreds of users, and been personally helped by many others. The open source nature of R lends itself to sharing of ideas and collaboration between users.
2.1.1 My assumptions in this book
In statistics we always make assumptions, often these are wrong, but we adapt to our mistakes daily. My assumptions about who is reading this book are:
You are interested in learning more about R.
You are likely a student or professional interested in demography or population research.
You have likely been exposed to other statistical platforms and are curious about R, in conjunction with 1 and 2 above.
You may be an avid R user from another strange and exotic discipline, but are interested in how demographers do research.
You want to see how to do things instead of being bombarded with theoretical and often unnecessary gate-keeping mathematical treatments of statistical models.
I think if any of these assumptions are true, you’re in the right place. That being said, this book is not a review of all of statistics, nor is it an encyclopedic coverage of the R language and ecosystem. I image the latter being on the same scale of hopelessness as the search for the Holy Grail or the fountain of youth. People have died for such fool hearty quests, I’m not falling on my sword here folks.